

A course articulation is when a student seeks to receive credit for a course at another institution. If looking for a course at a California community college, please use Please click here to view an example of how to determine course equivalencies.
  • If you found a chemistry course equivalency on, contact your major advisor regarding enrollment clearances. 
  • If you were unable to determine a chemistry course equivalency on, please follow the steps below.


1. You must contact your Major Undergraduate Advisor(s) to discuss your plan to complete a chemistry course away from UCSB. 
  • Please review the UCSB General Catalog for Chemistry course descriptions and compare it to the course(s) you wish to take at any institution other than a California community college.
2a. The following majors should contact their major advisor(s) for specific instructions
  • College of Engineering (ENGR)
  • College of Creative Studies (CCS)
  • Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology (EEMB)
  • Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
  • Environmental Studies (ES)
  • Psychological & Brain Sciences (PBS)
  • Physics (PHYS)
2b. All other majors, including Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (DCB) majors, please obtain a detailed syllabus of the course by contacting the advising staff at the respective institution and complete the Google form below. 
3. Once you have submitted your form, please allow 2-3 weeks for faculty review. 
4. You will receive an email response, once the course has been reviewed, regarding equivalency. Please note the following:
  • If you take a course at a community college or a non-UC, only the course credit will transfer. Grades will only transfer if the course is taken at a UC.
  • If you take a course at a community college, another UC, or a non-UC please be sure to verify unit transferability with the College of Letters and Science. 
  • You can find more information regarding the College of Letters and Science policies on transferring credit on their advising website ( 
5. For any course to appear on your UCSB transcript and to receive units, you must send your official transcript to the UCSB Office of Admissions. Click here for more details.